Advanced Tutorial

This section intends to go over the supported features in web-poet by scrapy-poet:

These are mainly achieved by scrapy-poet implementing providers for them:

Additional Requests

Using Page Objects using additional requests doesn’t need anything special from the spider. It would work as-is because of the readily available scrapy_poet.HttpClientProvider that is enabled out of the box.

This supplies the Page Object with the necessary web_poet.HttpClient instance.

The HTTP client implementation that scrapy-poet provides to web_poet.HttpClient handles requests as follows:

  • Requests go through downloader middlewares, but they do not go through spider middlewares or through the scheduler.

  • Duplicate requests are not filtered out.

  • In line with the web-poet specification for additional requests, Request.meta["dont_redirect"] is set to True for requests with the HEAD HTTP method.

Suppose we have the following Page Object:

import attr
import web_poet

class ProductPage(web_poet.WebPage):
    http: web_poet.HttpClient

    async def to_item(self):
        item = {
            "url": self.url,
            "name": self.css("#main ::text").get(),
            "product_id": self.css("#product ::attr(product-id)").get(),

        # Simulates clicking on a button that says "View All Images"
        response: web_poet.HttpResponse = await self.http.get(
        item["images"] = response.css(".product-images img::attr(src)").getall()
        return item

It can be directly used inside the spider as:

import scrapy

class ProductSpider(scrapy.Spider):

    def start_requests(self):
        for url in [
            yield scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse)

    async def parse(self, response, page: ProductPage):
        return await page.to_item()

Note that we needed to update the parse() method to be an async method, since the to_item() method of the Page Object we’re using is an async method as well.

Page params

Using web_poet.PageParams allows the Scrapy spider to pass any arbitrary information into the Page Object.

Suppose we update the earlier Page Object to control the additional request. This basically acts as a switch to update the behavior of the Page Object:

import attr
import web_poet

class ProductPage(web_poet.WebPage):
    http: web_poet.HttpClient
    page_params: web_poet.PageParams

    async def to_item(self):
        item = {
            "url": self.url,
            "name": self.css("#main ::text").get(),
            "product_id": self.css("#product ::attr(product-id)").get(),

        # Simulates clicking on a button that says "View All Images"
        if self.page_params.get("enable_extracting_all_images")
            response: web_poet.HttpResponse = await self.http.get(
            item["images"] = response.css(".product-images img::attr(src)").getall()

        return item

Passing the enable_extracting_all_images page parameter from the spider into the Page Object can be achieved by using scrapy.Request.meta attribute. Specifically, any dict value inside the page_params parameter inside scrapy.Request.meta will be passed into web_poet.PageParams.

Let’s see it in action:

import scrapy

class ProductSpider(scrapy.Spider):

    start_urls = [

    def start_requests(self):
        for url in start_urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(
                meta={"page_params": {"enable_extracting_all_images": True}}

    async def parse(self, response, page: ProductPage):
        return await page.to_item()